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Postby mazdarx8 on Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:14 am

Thanks again Pacific.

How much is the usual interest rate on a personal loan? so it'd prolly be interest + handling fees? You may not know the awnser, but usually or on average would the banks give you upto or more than you make a year, as a personal loan? or much less as a max amount?
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Postby Pacific on Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:30 pm

Usually banks charge anywhere between 9% to 11% as interest rate and 1% as one time handling fees. Different banks have different policies when it comes to loan amount. You can get anywhere between 6 times to 20 times of your monthly salary as stated on your salary slip. If your company is providing you accommodation, annual ticket and transportation and etc. all this is not considered by banks. Recently many expats took heavy loans from a bank and they absconded, so I guess getting a big loan will also be a problem. Shop around before settling on a bank.

Usually banks deal directly and then they have agents as well. As agents get good commission from the banks so they can coax the bank to give a higher loan amount. So approach a bank from both ways (directly and through a agent as well).
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Postby root on Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:10 pm

Or get a credit card with a high limit from an Islamic bank!
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Postby mazdarx8 on Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:18 pm

Thank you fo the great information regarding loans and such to purchased and import a used car. This is some good info, nodoubt it will help me make a decision and plan of action starting from right now when I arrive in UAE.

You guys have any good suggestions for banks? My dad banks through HSBC.
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Postby root on Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:28 am

All banks in UAE suck! ;)

Some suck less, some suck more...they all like to suck your blood.
There are many hidden unknowns they charge you for.

HSBC are decent but I don't really like their attitude..they treat customers like shit unless you have a Premier account (and they treat you with less shit). Their internet banking is decent.

ABN Amro is rather decent. Barclays is supposedly decent as well.

The local need to read the fine print on their charges. They all like to charge some fee per year/6-months. Give you insurance without asking and then charging you, etc etc.
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Cars from USA

Postby nedaltamimi on Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:45 pm

We are car dealers in Michigan USA. We can buy cars for you from Michigan auction and ship them any where in the world at an affordable fee. Alternatively, we can also sell you from our inventory. Feel free to contact me.

Nedal Tamimi
Reem Auto trading
19651 schoolcraft.
Detroit MI 48223
Tel 313.273.8444
Fax 313.273.8226
interested to sell cars to Middle Eastern and African market
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