Clearance agent

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Clearance agent

Postby basem_usa on Sun Dec 17, 2006 3:07 am

I'm importing a new Mercedes from the US. the car is under my name in the US and I'll be receiving it in Dubai. Can someone help reference quick and easy clearance agents and possibly recommend marine insurance cheaper than buying it from the US?
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basem..check these earlier posts

Postby root on Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:12 am

Check these ones out:

Clearing agents you can find at the port. You can inquire at the port which it is arriving at before hand.

Marine Insurance...have no idea, but would think that the freight company could recommend someone. One idea is to go talk with some used car dealers in Al-Awir who do these kinds of imports regularly. Maybe they are getting a large consignment and can get your car in the same way.

Never done this before, but normally is said that its better to import the car within a container as its safer that way, and the rates on containers are fairly standard these days.

Remember to update us with your findings...its by sharing that the next guys will have it easier :)
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