Bringing a UK Car into Dubai

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Bringing a UK Car into Dubai

Postby LennyFinn on Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:55 pm

Can anyone help me, I'm looking to relocate to Dubai in September this year, and I have a right-hand drive Porsche 996 Turbo to bring with question is - is it possible to register this car in the UAE and what steps would I have to go through to get it over there?

thanks in advance :-)

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UK car in dubai

Postby Overdrive on Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:34 pm

Hi Larry, thats one crazy car you have ... I have no idea about the legal issues of bringing a right-hand car into dubai but I do know that most vehicles have different spec cooling systems for the middle east. I'm fairly sure that the Porsche u have would require some tweaking, perhaps even some modification for this climate. Also, if you have wet weather tyres, you'll have to put down some more cash to change these if you are planning on driving around a lot ...
Ride Pimper
Ride Pimper
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no right hand drives

Postby sushi on Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:18 pm

Lenny...unfortunately you wont!
You cannot register right hand drives in UAE. You can only get them in for re-export and for that purpose you get a temporary blue plate that cannot be used for normal driving.

Maybe you can swap your car with some British expat moving home with a similar car :)

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Right hand drive Porsche 996 turbo from UK to UAE

Postby andre on Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:25 pm

I am looking for right hand drive Porsche Turbo to export to South Africa. Maybe we could do a deal. I seems you will have a problem with the car in the UAE. Please send me some pictures if you can and price.

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