Antique car import

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Antique car import

Postby Malchik on Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:33 pm

Hello. I am investigating the possibility of importing classic
cars made in the 1920s-30s-40s-50s from the USA into
Russia and Middle-East.

The problem with importing antique cars into Russia is
very high import duties and taxes, and also the complex and difficult system of importing cars especially for foreigners.

So, l'm interested to find out more about the antique car market in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. What is the supply/demand situation of such cars at the moment?

Thanks for any help or advice.
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Postby root on Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:29 pm

You don't see that many vintage cars on the street, but there are a few collectors here that have the money to buy such vehicles.

But it's a very niche market...your potential buyers are probably just a few 100 in each country. How does one reach these guys, thats the million dollar question. There are a few showrooms that deal with the rare, exotic or expensive cars..maybe these guys would be your best bet, as they definitely have the clients coming to them.

Importing to UAE is not a hassle as long as you have proper ownership papers. Takes a few hours to clear it from the port after you pay the 5% duty. About Saudi I would not know, but their taxes are similar to here.

What cars do you have? Try posting them here. Quite a few dealers visit this site as well.
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Postby root on Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:30 pm

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Postby Malchik on Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:47 am

Thanks for your reply. Well, the full story is l will be going to the USA in June to buy a classic car for myself. In searching for a car l've come across a few nicely restored pre-1960s cars in the $20000-50000 price range. There's a lot of classic cars out there but it's actually very difficult to find ones that have received a correct high quality restoration.

You're right, the problem in trying to sell such a car in the UAE would be finding a buyer quickly. I guess the classic car scene in the UAE is not developed like it is in the USA, UK or Australia (where l'm from).

Are the any local magazines/websites devoted to antique/classic cars? Any websites/magazines that only advertise for sale antique/classic cars? Do any of the dealers who have such cars have a webiste so l can check prices and their inventory?
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Postby root on Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:36 pm

There is no Classic Car magazine here! You can try posting on this website and see what response you get.
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