Oman Import Paperwork Out of Date

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Oman Import Paperwork Out of Date

Postby oilydan on Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:51 am

OK, long story but would appreciate any advice...

I exported a Ducati motorbike from Oman in April 2005, the bike went straight to the dealer for repairs bofore the import was done. A very long wait for the right parts etc has now left me with out of date paperwork.

The guys at the import place in Ras Al Khor say it needs to be re-validated byt the Oman Embassy near Burjuman, those guys say they won't do it and that I need to go back to Muscat.

Does anyone here know of any companies that can get this sorted for me?

Cheers 8)
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Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:44 am

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Postby root on Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:06 am

There's an Omani police guy that sits at the Dubai Police HQ in Al-Qusais. But he is there mainly to collect traffic fines committed by UAE drivers in Oman.
Might be worth checking there (though looks like a wild-goose chase).

Maybe some Omani car dealers could help. Dynatrade sell Omani imported Toyota and Lexus here. They might be able to help, but I again doubt it.

Probably faster to do the day-trip to Muscat, or send it to some friend there to sort out.
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