Safe to buy import!?

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Safe to buy import!?

Postby jazza on Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:29 pm

Can anyone please give me a straight answer. I am planning to buy a Jeep Cherokee. The only decent one that i can find and afford is a USA import. It seems like all the Jeep's going in Abu Dhabi is USA imports. I remember reading something about the dangers of imported vehicles somewhere but could not found it now.
What is the true dangers of buying a imported car!/

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Postby root on Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:09 pm

Well, there's really not that much to be worried about other than it might have a dodgy history that you don't have a way to find out.

Most foreign imports do not have the right radiator/cooling systems needed for the weather here. But that is normally a AED 300 job to get fixed and loads of workshops do that.

The other thing to think about is the AC, and if its heavy-duty for the summers here. This can be slightly more expensive to fix.

If the car you are importing is from the southern US states, its probably coming from a pretty similar climate and the AC should be fine at least.

What else...resale, I guess it has slightly lower resale than a GCC model for exactly the same reasons above and as you finding it cheaper also to buy.
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Postby WSF on Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:32 am

i have my share of experience with my family's '01 Grand Cherokee..
It has been with me for 2 years now.. US import, i had to replace the radiator & elec. fan plus i installed an extra mechanical fan to improve the cooling but the A/C was never impressive...

I also had to do a good deal of repairs on later stages on the gearbox's sensors & fuel pump.. I got the car way too cheaper than any Jeep GC of the same specs in the market but wasnt a brilliant deal after all cuz i spent the same money on its spare parts... On time, I discover that the car went offroading before... Currently the car is doing very well for me after I refreshed it with newer parts...

I dont mean to scare you away from US spec car just be very wise & careful when buying US spec cars... expect & be generous to spend some cash on repairs & maintenance...
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Postby root on Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:03 pm

I guess what WSF is saying that if you are getting anything cheap (imported or not) then be careful! It might not be a great deal after all.
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Postby WSF on Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:08 pm

root wrote:I guess what WSF is saying that if you are getting anything cheap (imported or not) then be careful! It might not be a great deal after all.

Let me rephrase that cuz i missed a pt.. I actually negotiated the price till i got the bargain from a showroom in SHJ...
I am not reffering to being careful from cheap bargains but usually you will find many of the 2nd hand US imports r noticeably abused especially @ SHJs car market...

I hope i have not confused you with my story...
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