EXPORT Car From UAE to Europe

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EXPORT Car From UAE to Europe

Postby rooski on Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:45 pm

Hi everyone,

does anyone know if it is possible to export a car purchased and owned in the UAE to Europe (France in perticular)?

I have two cars here, one of them i can't sell at a reasonible price when it's worth 2 times at much in France, i was wondering if anyone has exported his /her car to Europe from here (even if i have to keep it in my name once in France).

I've heard many stories about cables being different in other countries but it's an italian car (alfa 156) which was, as far as i know manufactured in italy...

thank you in advance.
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Postby T.N.T on Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:52 pm

What about the emission regulations? Will they let it enter if it has out-dated EURO standards?
And I'm guessing its LHD in France.
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Postby root on Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:17 am

France is LHD so that should be fine, but as TNT said the new EURO emission standards are pretty tough on car imports. Some EU countries don't allow certain types to be imported while others levy a heavy road-tax for the bad polluting cars.

What I would suggest is to call the dealer and ask him to get the European emission specification for that vehicle that you own. Once you get that, you can also get an assessment from Alfa Romeo in France on what needs to be changed and how much it would cost.

There was a similar topic some while back from some Romanian guy who wanted to take his Audi Q7 back and faced some issues. That guy found out that he had to spend about 20-30k extra to get the car into a European standard one (although the car comes from Europe). Search this forum to find that topic.
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