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by ppetersx on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:47 pm
anyone having any experience with the import of older cars ? concretely, i would like to bring a '91 alfa romeo spider to the u.a.e. and the feedback from customs is kind of vague - ranging from a "no" to a "maybe for one year" x i am getting so far confused as i have read several posts in this forum in which the import of 2000 to 2002 models have been discussed as a viable option ( at least to my understanding ) x on the other hand, the customs ( at Al Ain ) made me understood that imports older than 5 years cannot be registered anymore ? any 'word of wisdom' out there ? thanks, peter
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by T.N.T on Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:20 pm
You cannot import cars older than 5 years (will be implemented in the 1st of Jan 2009). More importantly, you cannot register a car older than 20 years which will be changed to 15 years in 2010. If you bring the Alfa now, you'll only be able to drive it for just over an year.
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by root on Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:14 pm
Unless you qualify it as 'vintage'...which I have no idea how one qualifies it to be.
These rules are just going crazier day after day.
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by ppetersx on Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:38 pm
... thanks folks - so, whats the deal on keeping it on a foreign number plate ? some guy at customs suggested to register it in oman and drive it in the u.a.e. .... which i probaberly cannot do because i'm not a resident of oman .... but i'd be happy to keep my berlin, germany plates ?!
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by root on Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:07 pm
Hmmm....maybe this is the trick the GCC nationals can use!
Ask the customs guy about vintage cars...that'll be your best bet on how to get it registered as vintage. I'd love to know as well.
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by WSF on Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:19 pm
A friend of mine contacted muroor & he was told that the can only be re registered all the time but the ownership cannot be transfered.. Hence you will get stuck with the car but as far as im seeing & what people are saying on the forums nothing is finalized yet & we will know when the laws are finished. Some are persuading RTA to give special plates for vintage & race prepped cars...
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by ppetersx on Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:02 am
folks - thanks a lot .... i think i'll just 'take a shot' n bring the car over here - the worst case scenario is that i have to drive her home some day ... tks again, peter
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by WSF on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:30 am
Are the laws finalized yet? or there is still hope that they would backoff on the last moment?
Seriously its not really the proper way to encourage people to use public transportation... This procedure of banning cars based on their age has many gaps... Many cars in the europe for example are an average 15-20 years old... & emissions of cars built in the last 2 decades arent really different than the ones built today...
I say this because many people are enthusiasts and would like to keep they're 10-20 year old cars which they worked hard on building, modifying, restoring, etc...
It wont matter much for most people as most sell theyre cars at an early age... Plus many abuse and treat theyre brand new cars like rubbish so it doesnt make a difference in terms of safety...
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by root on Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:34 am
yepp! Only winners are the new car dealers and they already have too many privileges here with exclusive dealerships and no competition!
Lets hope common sense prevails among RTA!
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by WSF on Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:40 am
Contacted RTA's licensing Department.. They told me that when the time comes when you cannot register a car & still wish to own it then we will see into it...
Such an unclear Answer, I think theyre still writing the laws... i dont know if this means they will give exceptions for enthusiast & special cars...
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by root on Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:44 pm
They are setting up rules for vintage cars which 20+ year old qualify for.
So, I don't see the problem. As long as you have a well kept car, you can still register it. If you take a 20 year old rusted cressida then maybe not.
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