Guidlines on importing from USA or JAPAN

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Guidlines on importing from USA or JAPAN

Postby Albertho on Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:09 pm


im a fan of some high performance cars that are not available here.
could someone help me find out how i can import these cars from Japan and a little intro into how i can get it registered in Dubai?

I got to know its a bit hard to import and register japanese imports in dubai. if thats the case lets look into how i can get a car down from USA. shipping costs, duty, registration procedures, etc.

thanks and regards


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not difficult to import

Postby Rocky on Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:06 am

Hey, there are thousands of cars imported yearly from Japan and also from US. There are many dealers that will do it for you, or you can do it yourself as well.

I dont know the actual procedures of getting this done, but I believe that you need to have all the proper papers of the car you are importing. You need to live in UAE to receive it at the port. You will need to get it through customs and pay any duty (5-6%). Then it should be simply to go and register it.
I would suggest to talk to some car dealers before to know how this is done. You could probably broker a cheaper deal if they can get the car imported together with their other cars.

Otherwise, some people have imported cars within containers (much safer this way). Then the cost is of normal container shipping charges that can be checked with any shipping/cargo company.

Just make sure that the car is allowed to be registered here. It must be left-hand-drive! There are some issues with peformance kits (look at the Motor Racing forum about a discussion there).

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Import Cars from USA

Postby bizkings on Tue May 09, 2006 5:21 pm

If you need any help bringing cars from USA, i can surely help you.
Feel free to message me on
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