Ferrari boss Montezemolo: We don't need Vettel

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Ferrari boss Montezemolo: We don't need Vettel

Postby azi malik on Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:09 pm

Vettel-RedBull-Ferrari.jpg&maxW=431.jpg (17.7 KiB) [ Viewed 5685 times ]
Vettel-RedBull-Ferrari.jpg&maxW=431.jpg [ 17.7 KiB | Viewed 5685 times ]

Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo has scoffed at suggestions that Sebastian Vettel might be joining Fernando Alonso at Ferrari in 2014.

The Vettel rumors have been going around for some time, encouraged by the fact that Ferrari has seemingly been seeking to hire a driver on a one-year deal in 2013--a job that is now going to incumbent Felipe Massa. Vettel meanwhile has a long-term contract with Red Bull.

“Today the problem is not with drivers,” said Montezemolo on the Ferrari website. “2013 is still to come, but I don't want to have two roosters in the same hen house, [I would] rather [have] two drivers who race for Ferrari and not for themselves. I don't want problems and rivalries, which we didn't have between [Michael] Schumacher and [Eddie] Irvine, between Schumacher and [Rubens] Barrichello, between Alonso and Massa or Massa and Schumi or Massa and [Kimi] Raikkonen.”

The Ferrari boss also scoffed at suggestions that Red Bull designer Adrian Newey might one day head to Ferrari.

“As for Newey, I can say that he is very good at his job but we also managed to win eight constructors' titles in the last 13 championships without him," di Montezemolo said. "I have huge faith in our own engineers.”

Meanwhile, he insisted that the championship battle was still wide open.

“It's a very open championship," he said. "A few Grands Prix ago, it was McLaren who seemed unbeatable, now it's the turn of the Red Bull, while we are still up there in the fight. Pay attention, as the situation is changing really fast this year. Certainly we are left with major regret about the 30-odd points lost with the two accidents in Spa and Suzuka.

“If we had those today we would still have a 24-point advantage and we would be having a completely different debate. But over so many years at Ferrari I have seen everything: world championships lost at the last minute like we saw with Fernando in 2010--or even after the finishing line itself, like with Felipe in 2008. But we have also won when no one would ever have imagined it possible, such as Kimi's title in 2007.”

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