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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:43 am
by Giuseppe
I made some research on web sites and specialized magazines in order to see how Mercedes was ranked in terms of reliability. Surprisingly I could find very very few Mercedes models listed while the majority of reliable cars is made in Japan. With the premium price you pay to buy a Mercedes and to have it regularly service maintained you would expect not to face any type of failure but it seems this is not the case.
My wife bought a B Class 3 years ago, had it regularly checked at the official service centre in Abu Dhabi (EMC), paying each time roughly 3500 AED for a normal service maintenance (!!), the car has a a very low mileage (21000 km) and two months after last maintenance service the AC system is not working properly due to a leakage in the evaporator. The car dealer asked 8000 AED to fix it!
Based on my wife's experience and on others comments I gathered around, I have the impression that with Mercedes you do not get what you pay any more. Especially in the medium range segment (A class, B Class, C Class models) Mercedes miserably failed not being able to provide the quality you expect when you pay so much money.

I would like to have your valuable point of view. As far as I am concerned, I will never buy Mercedes.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:14 am
by azi malik
bro when ur thinking of buying a mercedes... u shouldn't be looking on mileage and things like these... it is a luxury car that is meant to be heavy on fuel... it is more of a comfort sort category where the name of the brand matters more that the car itself.

I would say for better consumption and value for money... go for a japanese car maker. BMWs and Mercedes are for pleasure... and poise...