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Don't idle...or risk getting fined!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:42 pm
by root
I guess with the summer coming, the favorite UAE habit of leaving the car with the AC on while idle-ing is in for some bad news.

According to the police, they will be fined AED 300 if found leaving the car while started. Last year 1960 people were fined but the fine was lower last year (hey! remember inflation!)

Sadly, the reason given is only to stop thefts, and nothing is said about the environment. I would love to see fines being given for people sitting and waiting in their cars with ACs on. I've also seen guys sleeping in their cars with ACs on...apparently a very common thing done by many workers with their car from work. It definitely beats the heat!

In many countries they have 5 minutes max of idleing before you get fined, regardless if someone is sitting in it or not. Reason: waste of fuel and pollution. We have some way to get there (and hey the AC blower does feel great when its 45 C outside and you're waiting to pick someone up).

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:19 pm
by Brembo
if you drive a modern luxury car with no exhaust mods, leaving the car idling n switched off is almost the same :) cant really tell the difference unless your standing right next to it. how are the cops in pathfinders with their ac on gonnna hear idle engine rpm?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:36 pm
by root
i guess the guys who get caught are those who can't find parking and just stop the car in front of the take-way joint or laundry and let it remain running

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:55 am
by T.N.T
Woo! One more way to rip people off! :?
OT: Been away for a while, stuck up in work etc. Nice upgrades to the forums root, its looking fresher now!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:42 am
by root
Nice upgrades to the forums root, its looking fresher now!

Thanks! Been doing this for a while, and finally thought of making it live!
Lemme know if you find any issues (stuff not working)